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David was honored to be a guest on the nationally syndicated The Small Business Advocate® radio show.

On June 6th David was honored to be a guest on the nationally syndicated The Small Business Advocate® radio show. Jim Blasingame and David discussed the ins and outs of product naming, and specifically “Why is Naming of a Product or Service so Important,” “How to Come Up with Great Names,” and “Narrowing Your List of Potential Names & Mistakes to Avoid.” Click to listen.

Don’t make these common product naming mistakes:

1. Don’t focus on whether a dead-on domain name is available. This should not be a consideration. There are all sorts of domain name modifiers that work great. Examples include,,,,,, etc… Longer domain names are just fine.
2. Don’t feel like a name must be short.
3. Don’t overlook taglines.
4. Don’t be afraid to change your name.
5. Don’t have naming contests or solicit input from a lot of people.
6. Product naming should be fun!


David Dawsey – The Motorsports Product Naming Expert