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For Vanilla Names Add        







Suggestive Names 10 5 3
Arbitrary Names 5 3 2
Fanciful Names 5 2 1
Comprehensive US   Trademark Search &  Opinion For Each Name For Each Name For Each Name
Preparation & Filing of US Intent-to-Use Trademark Application Included for 1 Name – See Note Below Included for 1 Name – See Note Below Included for 1 Name – See Note Below
URL Suggestions 3 for Each Name 2 for Each Name 1 for Each Name
Taglines 2 for Each Name 1 for Each Name 1 for Each Name
Preparation & Filing of US Intent-to-Use Trademark Application Included for 1 Tagline – See Note Below Included for 1 Tagline – See Note Below Included for 1 Tagline – See Note Below
The  Centrifuge™ Process Learn More Learn More  Learn More
The Client The organization investing significant money to launch a business or product/service. The organization that has not yet fully committed to a major investment to launch a business or product/service. The organization that does not want to be bogged down with too many options and needs a quick brand-worthy name.

Additional Services

Another Bite at the Apple If you don’t fall in love with any of the names developed, which is hard to imagine, but like what we have done and don’t take us up on the refund and don’t have us file any trademark applications, the “another bite at the apple” option will take you through the entire process a second time for 50% of the cost of the initial engagement.
Consider Foreign Markets from the Outset If you want to tackle foreign countries from the outset, just let us know and we can develop a customized set of options for you whereby we factor these countries into the mix right from the outset. Obviously this increases the difficulty of our job, and the price increases accordingly.


Note: The government filing fee is included for a single class; you pay the government filing fees for additional classes. The professional fees associated with all normal prosecution costs (not appeals or oppositions) are included, you pay the government fees associated with the filing of any necessary petitions for extensions of time.